underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Monday, April 17, 2006
Another week to go.
2:09 PM

Another week and its my turn to start my new term in poly. What feelings do I have abt the new life in poly? Yup...I have been asking myself countless times every nite when I slp. However, No ans is found. Is it anxious? nervous? fear? I don't know. The fact that I m yet to recover totally scares me when my calender shows that Im only left with a week to e end of my mc. I hate relying on ppl. Im afraid that I will need him alot in sch. Or maybe its another bad news to have him in e same sch with me. Is this called fate? I dont know. I dont even dare to wish to think. Its not something for me to have e choice I guess. Anyway, I hope sch will be memorable n fun. I hope I wouldnt spoil wonderful chances on my hands.

Thursday, April 13, 2006
11:09 AM

It has been some time since I had my spine operation. Flashing back now sends a chil down my spine and raises my hairs. How on earth did I get over those hectic things? It was so unbelievable.. I still remembered myself trembling very bad in the theater that they doctors couldnt plug in the drip for me. Finally when its done, I was already unconscious.I only recovered 2hrs after the whole op. It wasa relief that I can get through the op safetly. My parents were waiting for me outside anxiously. I guess it was my mum who helped me through all these. I felt like the olden days when there is only my mum n I. Days w/o my step dad. She accompanied me through every min in the hospital. Even slept there. However, she sleeps like a pig..When I have constant pain in e nite, its hard to wake her up to aid me. aha!
Now that I m discharged at home for abt 2 weeks, I really felt as if I have got through a nightmare. Thou Im still stress to some extend but I hope things will pass fast. My sch term is beginning soon. I really hope to be in time for it. As I still couldnt sit too long.. Feeling rather strez. Have been troubling my fren so much..yet, he is still so helpful.cool! Wouldnt forget he,ting n sam came to visit me. My only frenz who know abt my op. I didnt tell many cuz I guess this is private n I have no other strength to face e pressure ppl might give. esp, pity. I hate sympathy. Anyway.Really getting bored at home. Get sick n giddy easily. Is these normal after a major op or is signs of a internal infection? God...
