underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Friday, June 30, 2006
Been bz!
4:49 PM

Hmm..Another 15mins before my students comes. Have been rather bz this whole week.Bz with tutorials tt wasnt completed in e holidays. Was resting quite well in holidays. So lots to catch up with my work. Fortuntely, completed! Going thru my week's tutorial after tuition. Heez..Hope to receive my pay later...hope her mum rmbs..

This week have been quite new to me.. Lots of hard stuffs taught in lectures. Seemed stupid when I was listening. Aha.. Hmm.But got back all results for common test exclude OCOM grading grades. Heez...Did fairly well..Many suprises. Lucky in this time its postive n a news. aha! Heez

I think I've started to have feelings for u. How shld I do to let u feel I love u. Ya in my dreamz... I love ur smile. Melts my heart...

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Father's day..
1:41 PM

Today's a special day for all fathers. To be more economical.. Its a special day for restaurants, gitft shops & church svcs. It was my church svc tt reminded me tt today is father's day. Heez. Forgot abt it.. So well.. Arranged with my bio father to meet him for dinner lor. Arrange at Orchard grand court hotel lor. I like e taiwan porridge there! And its cheap...so can save $ for my step dad's gift. Haven buy yet...Planning to go orchard to shop for it. I know Im evil...But well.. Who cares? I think my dad deserve it... He's a real dad to me, unlike my bio father. Hopefully I wun get into a quarrel with him tml when I tok to him abt spine op honestly to him.

I enjoy my holidays alot but I kinda missed my frenz. I missed toking to liling. I missed seeing how don n karen haf their mini fights...Aha! Thou sch days might be slightly tired for me but I seeing them content my life with happiness. Heez..

Friday, June 16, 2006
Bz day..
11:21 PM

Wow... Feeling tired thou...But jus reluctant to get to bed...aha!Glad that my bz day today has ended sweetly with my bro at e gate calling "mummy"!!! and "jie jie"!!! so happily when we went to pick him up from aunt's hse.

Woke up early in e morning after abt 5 hrs of slp to give tuition.Sat there half dead eating my small little breakfast. Guess what? My maid started crying. God! I hate these early in e morning. E first thing in e morning ok.I cant stand it. I walked away after stuffing my breakfast quickly.Luckily, my mood lighten my mood alittle during tuiton or I guess she will be suffering. After my tuition, what happened next? I think I wudnt want to think abt it again or even tok abt it. It's useless. Anyway, I have decided to jus look, sigh and turn away. Hope it helps to reduce anger and frustrations.

So after completing all jobs for her. I went to meet yisi n hy. Was overjoyed to meet yisi! I missed her... And somehow we dun feel being neglected? esp how she brings me into between her n hy. Appreciated what she haf done.

Uncertain if Im going to meet my bio father. Whatever it is, I hope to get clean to him abt my op n let him understand y I didnt tell him initially. Yeah...hope its fine thou...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Bored off..
4:55 PM

There supposed to be a session with my tuition gal now, but she just told me she couldn't make it. Wow! So bored now!!! I pushed away all of my appts for today's afternoon tuition. Thou I know tts my responsibility but it feels so stupid! I prepare everything already. Wow..Now I really understand how my piano tr feels when she confides to me abt students changing lessons n giving her laz min excuse not to come...headaches man! anyway...I'll hope to arrange some programmes tonite if not I'll jus stay put to do Amaths man...Aww...

Im dreaming abt u... I think I...love u..Cuz I miz u..

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Worn out..
5:16 PM

Wow! Have been slping almst e whole day...Woke up at 10.30 ate lunch n then went back to slp at 1... Till 5! aha...Im a goner man!Dunno y Im so tired.But well...it feels gd to relax n jus think of nth but dreams..Aha...But abit sad lah...didnt study... Nvm! Im in poly.aha! Went bugis n orchard with sharon ytd.Cool.Bought e bag which shuhua like on behalf for her. So well.I can now annouce myself broke! aha...jk... Then I bought 2 shorts n 2 tops...both tops got crown de...aha...seems like 3 of us are having great love for crowns! aha. Then we went back to cineleisure to watch SHE'S THE MAN. God..thou its my 2nd time watching but it still tringle my laughing system thru... thou not as bad as e first time. aha. But sharon loved it too! great! Then out of where we went seiyu...guess what?!! I saw e sandles I n shuhua like! whoo...I bought it...Thou there wasnt shuhua's size.sad...cannot lez together.aha!

Was thinking of u I guess. However, ya so bz.. Im juz dream dream..Dreaming~

Sunday, June 11, 2006
Cold day..
9:15 PM

It has been raining the whole of today ya? Guess my heart is cold too. I cant be bothered in doing much excluding doing my amaths.Yup, preparing for my tuition. So got to upgrade my skills and refresh memory if not its bad if I as a tutor dun even know my work.Aha...Well.. Today's has been so cold externally n internally. My step granddad came back hm today too. He usually only comes back on mon morning. sad. Haiz..

Why does everyone uses god after a failed relationship? Yeah. I got to admit tt I went back to christ also after a relationship. Thus, I q myself y if this is situation is a human instinct or human's habit of taking things for granted? Tking god for granted? Only use n need him when u are down? Maybe its true that ppl needs a pillar, a shoulder to lean on n depend on when they are down. However, they misused it. I have frenz who have their nick placed with words of how loving they are to god...But when they are recovered, they will put back those I dun wanna lose my my baby, I love u forever n those rubbish. Where's god? In their heart or out of their mind? There are also very extreme cases. Someone who always has god in their mouth nicks, but they have nv ever think of god before doing things. Yeah. He might have god in all of his sentence but he has nv ever meant tt way...He's jus following the bible blindly.So well. Ive recently received an email abt jesus.Many has used 'I have no time' when it comes to jesus. ya, I haf been skipping church too. Jua couldnt get myself out of e bed. Yeah. Im ashamed thou. But somehow felt ppl are getting overboard. Haiz...Its very complicated in this world.

Saturday, June 10, 2006
11:55 AM

Bcuz of slp I miz going KK hospital with my parents... Juz heard from my parents ttt he started vomiting & fever this morning. Gosh...haiz...hope he's fine...haiz...feeling still slpy...very grumby...sian..dunno y...aha.

Will be staying at hm today I guess...Cuz I went out e whole day ytd! Had alot of fun...! I went for my pedicure first...wow...tt was cool...I almst slept when they helped my with my legs... wow...comfortable...then when my back was getting stiff they asketo do art on my nails...wow! great...it looked terrific now...Liling, dun scold me ar...This pedicure has been paid not my me long ago..jus no time to go only...aha! Then I n shuhua went orchard...tt stupid sharon pang sei us...last min she say she dun want cum after her hairdo...v tired. stupid gal...anyway...we had a great lump of fun there.. I bought a black tube tt comes wif a small coat...wow...fantastic! shuhua like tt alot too! aha... I think I will leave tt for my birthday celebration with my sisters or eve to celebrate with shuhua.lets see...aha!!! we ate pizza hut for dinner...v cheap cuz we went be4 5pm...so got lunch promotion still...heez!!! Then last stop was at plaza sing...we ate bwonnie at starbucks...not too bad but laz time was better...we shared...that was cool...we took neprints too...wah...nice!!! there was one shot which we didnt choose act shot 'everything' when I bent..sad...aha!!! kkz... love her so much! My best fren!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006
4:58 PM

O man... I couldnt believe it! Our common tests have came to an end at 3pm today. Heez! Today was Econs paper...My fav paper...heez! I like this module alot yeah...aha! Anyway, quite a number of thinking Questions..Exhausted now...was thinking n thnking thru out of e 3 hrs...But o man...I like e whole paper n prcoess...not tt it is an easy paper...but its e Q tt are fun to do...at least not as dry as CIP! Aha...Hmmm..gonna meet 2 of them tml...feeling real excited...heez! Anyway...all e best for our results!! aha...

Monday, June 05, 2006
CIP tml!!
4:35 PM

Having CIP paper tml..God! Its boring.. We are tested on computing stuffs...Guess what are e topics included? What are software & hardware? What is a computer?What are e parts? Smthing like tt...O no..Im dying...I cant absorb or memorise these stuffs...o...no...Think gonna follow what they did...flip thru only ba...very sian..Worst...My paper is from 4 to 5pm. stupid...Its my slping mode time...stupid!!! Anyway, I hope tt I will get it done n over with fast... I want my holidays.. I wanna spent time with my bed!! heez... Slping is e best leisure..I guess..heez..Yeah..I also wanna go out with poly frenz yeah... so happy...yup...hope to meet up some ex schmates too...hope it is possible thou...aha! anyway... I miz days with yisi.

Friday, June 02, 2006
Finally back.
4:32 PM

Went to sch early today to meet arthur to study & lunch. Guessed we talk more than we study. But for e first time Im not mad with myself. I enjoy chatting with him. I got to know e real arthur. His gf n stuff. He's a very devoted guy & I guess slightly more matured than many guys ard? aha! Great to have another close fren as compared to have it remained as a normal fren. We both have a bad pt n tt is too open abt out personal stuffs. We said things out very openly..Anyway, things were great overall. Then went for CATS.. Stupid.. I was so sick. Frenz ard me was so concern. Esp, dionne. Glad thou but I know I cmi. My nose like dropping off. And coughing s if I had contracted wth terminal illness. Aha!

Yeah! My parents are coming back today..Soon...On their way already... excited to see my bro. It has been a week since I last see hm. O no...Miz him loads!! Aha..Hmm..Got to hug him tightly..But cant kiss him :( Im sick dun wanna pass to him..

CATS asked us to ask Q. Asking Q helps us to grow. Ok, so... Y dun I wanna fall in love? Y dun I wanna devote myself into relationship? It's always e case that they arent e rite one for me. i told myself this & rejected them. o so well... Im jus afraid. I saw my ex on wed. N I jus realised he viewed my new acc in frenster. Hai. Forget it. Loneliness comes... I miz day loving some1 n being loved dearly. However, Im really scared of e opportunity cost I have to pay in order to have a relationship! Aha. I think I shldnt tk my mum's trust for granted again... he was my ex n my one n only whom I felt smthing called love.E truth is...My heart is yearning for love but jesus is keeping it away from me now. He knows I cant handle it well with my emotionally state I guess. Jesus, tell me when Im ready. When I would have e him whom is for me by my side........
