underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Monday, July 31, 2006
Lousy day
4:01 PM

okok...Today has been a lousy day. My auntie came knocking the door laz nite...(to be exact is today cuz it happened in e midnite). Haiz. Couldn't really get up this morning. My head was spinning and I was having a bad cramp but I still forced myself to sch cuz today is jua Ob tutorial. So ya... I have to go... Esp its tutorial! Import! Alrite. so hurried thru thou it pain. Manage to reach there quite early. However communication broke down. I won't be early in e future. I'll jus tk my sweet time. Rush there. Was early for abt 20mins. Did thought of what's happening during this OB lesson. So I know I mus be there early. However, it's not really appreciated. Anyway, it's over. Ok. so was bearing e apn thru OB n then went for lunch with nicole, sherry n yue er,. Nice! aha. Felt better after everything. So now ya...Going to tk a break and a rest for awhile. I'm rather tired. Gonna cont study later. Hmm. I've started to see some light in econs after some revision now. Relieved. ok. I'm going to slp now! My lousy day is ending soon. I hope...

Friday, July 28, 2006
Laz lesson-CATS
4:12 PM

O yeah! It's e laz lesson for CATS today... Our "creativity" lessons today. Hummp! Yeah, of cuz I m happy however I will miz times laughing at Henry and classmates. Thou tts e lamest module but I enjoy e lessons. Ive make more frenz there...and most importantly, I've a grp of great team members. I simply love them.. They are e best working team I have encountered and worked with for these few mths. I was praised and have been respected by them as the grp leader. e feeling is....... SHIOK! aha... but tts when we really put in our atmost efforts. n yeah I did! O ya...Was feeling so down n tired ytd but lucky nicole n frenz asked me to follow them... aha! Feel so great with them. Maybe bcuz of our previous working experience for OB. Felt like a gang of 5 act cutey grp. aha! y? They forced me to pose e 5th act cute pose! aha! but yeah...enjoyed time together with them. cool!

Hmm. While walking jus now... many thoughts came to me..whether is it logic or emotions but well.. Things are so funny.
The most impressive creation in this world is HUMAN. Human's brain, feelings and personality brings in the present world we are in now. I felt a moment of inferior to e world. For example, standing alone in e great wall of china. How will u feel? Tiny. v small and inferior. tts exactly how is it like. With human's brain, evil thoughts and undesirable actions will happen. With human's feelings, Happiness, sadness, love, Jealousy and sorrow can be felt in this world. Lastly, with personality, conflicts, problems n unhappy situations happens. Thou there mite be times when personality help in having more happiness. So its smtime v extreme.

For me... What m I struggling these 2 weeks? Im struggling with stress, expectations of myself, physically tired and mentally drained. lastly, e struggle in feelings. Recently...It seems like there r endless work for me. Moreover, revisions are piling up.. I know feeling over stressed is damaging but I cof ant help to let stress overcomign my mood, temper and happiness. I feel v frustrated easily...v angry over v minor things and smtimes ignored my close frenz. haiz... really need a break from work and wants more rest.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Just feel like slping
4:29 PM

There seemed to be endless stuffs and assignments to be completed now or starting from this week Laz week was a very stressful week n this week is a endless work week. After completing 1..another comes up.. Haiz.Or is it bcuz I haven been doing anything over e weekends? which thus caused a hectic this week? well...shouldnt be... haiz...tough weeks has already passed from mon-wed. hmm. Today will be e laz paper...Ocom theory paper. Guess I would be jus crapping my way through the paper later. Hope to leave early.. Don't know if it's allow. Aha! Or maybe 1 hour is jus nice for me. aha! Lame..thinking too much...My mind seems to be stopping already. Extra information on my theory text doesnt go in n I dont even haf e energy to read though e whole sentence in my notes. aha! Well..thats lame! anyway...lucky my table topic grading ytd was great! Sun Yanzi saved me! If I didnt mention her...I guess I wont do as well thou. My Q was 'Developing Local Talents'. Aha!So political. O ya toking abt politics. I've cleared up things with don. He accepted my explainations I guess. We are back to normal today. Frenz really do ceate supports. yawn~ Alrite...Having a short rest in e lib now. gd nite~~~

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
8:18 PM

Finally stressful PBL project has ended..Arguements too. haiz! Hmm.. Have expected this week to be a very tressful week. So phew tts its almst over. In fact... Tests arent as stressful as presentations and proj works. To have everyone brought together and work on the proj is not as easy. But it can be done when it comes to individual work. Well...Or maybe there's jus a try my luck member in my grp. Realy disappointed. In fact dun wish to work together again. It's enough! Bcuz of tt nite I dun feel well till now...Still feel so tired n so...haiz...

I dun like u.. I dun want to haf anything got to do wif u either anymore. Hope tt things fade off soon. Really dun wish to fight more.haiz..

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Slept on e mrt!
6:17 PM

God! I slept in the bus jus now. Aha...Weird.. Jus a few stops more n I actually slept...Lucky my eyes was ok when I woke up. Aha.. Scary. Anyway, felt alittle better jus now however Im feeling v sleepy now again... Think I will try to force myself to stay awake until nite time n hope tt I can slp early rest well so tt tml will be a great day! Hope to complete more things...more work too. Definately I need to be alert...so sufficient rest is very import. Aha!!!

So many projects and studies have to be done... Almost of e deadlines are by e beginning of Aug! haiz... Yeah...v stressed up... But I belief I can do it! It's jus a matter of time n maybe some motivation n care by frenz once in a while...heez.

Vented out my frustration on don today. Haiz...Feel so bad...N I actually typed 'don, Im sorry' on e screen when he was looking at my screen while we were both silence thinking what else to touch up. Aha... Hope he's really ok with it. He was so damn blur tt he ask me y say sorry? aha!!! anyway...I think Im jus getting over stressed.........

Saturday, July 08, 2006
8:15 PM

Don't ever lie tt u don't have a single thing for her.. Juz admit that u like her n I'll wish u all e best. U mite be blur but not to e extend of not sensing e surrounding changes. U like her, y dun u tell her? U know tt being able to tell her u love her is e most delightful thing for u so y cant u find e courage to? Ya very competable with her...so go ahead...

I'll disappear...Knowing how guys operate now. Knowing where u are... Now know where I should I go n walk towards to. .

Friday, July 07, 2006
Pair of best fren falling in luv with a same guy.
8:29 PM

孙燕姿: 拥抱的时候 心情有点痛 也许提早 感受到 寂寞蔡建雅:离开的时候 只听见沉默 除了沉默 我还能 怎么 做选择蔡建雅:别对我抱歉 别总觉得对我亏欠蔡建雅:现在他在你的身边 就对他好一点
孙燕姿:Woo~ 不要再让你们的爱 败给了时间合唱:既然遇见了永远 就不要说再见蔡建雅:不要再让 你们的爱 输给了永远合唱:我们曾经过那么多 考验 蔡建雅:最后还是回到了 原点
蔡建雅:Mmm~ Yeah~
孙燕姿:总有那一天相遇的瞬间 确定那些冷漠的从前 已走远蔡建雅:别对我抱歉 别总觉得对我亏欠合唱:现在谁在你的身边 就对谁好一点
孙燕姿:不要再让你们的爱 败给了时间合唱:既然遇见了永远 就不要说再见蔡建雅:不要再让 你们的爱 输给了永远合唱:我们曾经过那么多 考验 蔡建雅:最后还是回到了 原点
孙燕姿:不要看到 你们的爱 败给了时间孙燕姿:我宁愿选择离别 合唱:没有一句怨言蔡建雅:直到你能 若无其事 聊起了从前合唱:我才发现彼此 都了解合唱:默契是最宝贵 的语言

This was once a song which i shared with yisi. Doesnt contain any meaning jus like e tune n both of e singer who was singing it. Well...but now...its diff. It's really e situation tt a pair of best fren fell in luv with a same guy. I guess it's better if both knows abt e luv. However, one chose to keep to herself where else e other who is carefree goes for him. As for him...He is insensitive, but I know where is he more towards too. One is hurt. But does not wants to tell anyone accept her close pals in sch. So what shld she do? Give up ya? Anyway, it didn't begin at all. So its more to...stop dreaming. Ya... Hope tt both of them wud get happiness which belongs to them.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Birthday party at Kbox!
10:47 PM

Im turning 17 when e clock strikes 12. Thought that this year would be a quiet birthday for me, but I'm wrong! Things are soo diff with my poly frenz! It's so diff! unlike sec life where our movements & activities are so restricted. I guess in e yrs would be even lively with maybe my boyfren? aha! Nah...This birthday is memorable! aha... Took many photos at kbox. Tml actual day will be going swenston...my treat. aha! Even if both of u arent going..It doesnt bother me anymore I hope. If u dun go along if he doesnt cum too.Then forget it man... I wun want to feel hurt n sad on my actual birthday..Up to both of u.

Found a nice song to sing with liling! Thou I mite not be her idea person to sing this couple song but yeah...we have quite gd mo qi I think. Thou u mite want him to sing with u? aha!!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006
hot hot hot weather!!!
7:16 PM

It's very very hot today!!! Im sweating alot.Sweat alot while watching tv too! God...haiz...Had a bad headache...haiz! Hmm.. Hope tml will be a better day..Went for a movie az nite with jireh. V nice fren... He treat me like a princess ytd..maybe bcuz my birthday is ard e corner. aha! We saw one of his fren's family.. They thought that Im jireh' gf. haiz.. I felt bad.. cuz I know he treats me v well but I think I have over-reacted at tt moment. Guess he do understand thou cuz there's already someone in my heart. aha!!! well..He thinks I going real this time.. N I also think tt Im falling deeper...I really dun wish tt this will go on. Yeah. From today...Got to get over whatever touched feelings I have n to focus on my own work.
