underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Navigations are at the top.
bold italic underline link

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I guess I complicate things myself.
10:46 PM

I guess I complicate my own stuffs. It is obvious & simple. It's me who think too much. Causing me to think that it's complicated but in fact i know that it isnt sub-consciously. Thought alot. Dreamt alot today. It's only in my dream world would I be able to see him. In my dreams only. Kor say I'm silly. I'm too easy but what can I do???

Endless love & Myth.

Sunday, December 24, 2006
what should it be...
11:56 AM

I knew what it should be yet I couldn't hold myself before it's too late. Sometimes I would think I'm someone who takes things the hard way than the soft way. Why must I bang on something that would end up hurting me at the end of the day. I dont't understand. It's something in which mathematical formula could solve. Neither could it be calculated by logic. It's something very complicated. There isn't any explaination to it. Once, a professional did say that you can ask me anything on my area of profession but not abt this. Its between human nature & human nature is the hardest study to understand & master.

So what should I do? I don't know. I'm tired of these struggles. I cried last night as my body reacts with the mixture of wine intake.

Ytd as I opened my present by auntie. I saw a Renoma Box, my heart beat twice as fast. Then as I opened it, its true the wallet is a branded good. I feel bad. Shouldnt have told her I hope to have a new wallet. Anyway, I will cherish it. & its my motivation to work hard & to a banker like her. She's my role model.

Friday, December 22, 2006
.Xmas Shopping.Movie.
10:25 PM

Wed...I went to town for my xmas shopping with Veron. Wow!!! I bought alot of things u know...Really scary. Aha! The way I sign card seems like everything is for free. Now I really believe S'p GDP can be = to total expenditure of ppl in Sp. Wow wow.. aha! I bought liling's present first. Aha! Cuz it seems like a bomb to me.. Panicking tt her birthday is drawing near & I have not get gift so shopped around for hers first. Wow. All pink..first time! aha. I also bought a black top from RED with Veron. We bought the same top & same colour ok! aha!

Thur...Went to sch to meet my BMGT grp to complete our proj. Hope what I have complete is useful to them. aha! In fact, felt quite bored that I have to go all e way back to sch to do our proj but felt better cuz we are aiming to complete it. And also of cuz had Breakfast with my fren before I went to meet my grp. He ate laksa for breakfast.. Haiyo..Horrible monster. After that we met up to watch Eragon after my proj. Aha! I love e show! E bonds Eargon had with his dragon. So sweet. And aha! This is first time feeling e guy beside me jumping up when there was a sudden action in e show. Aha! Im always e one who jump but heez..this time Im not e only one. aha!!! Anyway, ytd was a great day for me. Was in high spirits until dont know y Im always put to situations that would bring my mood down.

Fri.. Today, Slept the whole day cuz I caught a bad cold.

Its it u. I don't know.I wouldn't dare to dream of it too. Let nature takes its path.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Relax? Or hidden Stress?
2:36 PM

Hummp.. Tml would be my maec common test paper. It's e first paper of my common test week. aha! say until v nice hor? In fact I only got 3 papers this sem for my common test. Aha. But dont look down on these 3 papers ah...very heavy load ah.. Haiz... Have completed my study for tml's paper, but not ready for e others.aha!!! And I dont really feel e anxiety but jus slight stress cuz have been out e whole day n have yet to start my revision for today.heez!

Looking forward to watch hong xing da jiang!Althou female lead I guess my fav Jacelyn Tay & Ivy lee will be out but still mus watch! Hope both of them n jeanette Aw still get to hold a award in e top 10. heez! hmm..Glad to say...715 might be able to get to win male lead..aha!!! thats smthing that worth to be happy abt. heez!!!

Hmmm..Liling's birthday is coming I think. hope to get her a gift u know & celebrate jus with her. but dont know how.she is popular.. so dont think she would want to celebrate with this fren whom always quarrel with her...vent her anger on. aha!!! haiz...I ought to do smthing back for her for being such a gd fren but dont know how..help!

Saturday, December 02, 2006
1:13 AM

Since the day my boss released from work, I'm busy daily. I have to catch up with all of my projects... Thou trying to do some study as well, but I dont have e sufficient to do tt do. Haiz.. Anyway, I hve tried my best in everything that includes me, but now my only worry is my only common test. I'm afraid I dont know my work well enough for my common test. I have problems and doubts in all of my modules still.haiz.. Dont know how to manage. Time management does work here. I have time management, but e prob now is tt I dont even have sufficient time to accomodate everything into all of the time I have with me. Can I buy time from people who has to much time. I think my heart has decided to go for the piano lesson. Although my mind is still twisting around here n there... Im really unsure if Im ready for it.

I'm only trying to encourage you to pursue in your love life, dont be like me who hides away from feelings. However, u blamed me for giving you false hope with her. Well..If thats what u think so be it. I only have e best interest for u.
