underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Friday, June 22, 2007
Returning to sch...
11:39 PM

Times flies especially fast when it comes to holidays. My two weeks of holidays has ended & sch will be resuming to sch on mon. haha! The progression for my econs report? Incomplete yet but at least I have started. haha! Somehow Im taking it as a sole work & not a grp work. Everyone seems to disappear. I want to be fair but they are not fair to me. Everything was said & agreed before holidays but I have receive anything neither hear anything. I feel scared, unable to complete on time. Especially, econs. omg. Due on my birthday. What a present to me. Hopefully means I will pass the report. Cuz my auntie is giving me alot of help. She even sent me a report done by her client on ASEAN so that I can use the figures that is connected to China. Yes, I know rmb to cite them. haha! As for fms, my Auntie introduce to me 3 new instruments that are coming up so well.. I have somehow started fms too but then I guess I have not really focus on tt yet cuz I think since its due slightly longer then I should focus on the upcoming one.

How did I pass my holidays? I guess training myself to be a mum? haha! nah... Babysitting my brother. Spending time with him cuz I know after this I won't have this kind of time for him anymore. Haiz..

Kaijun, happy working in ABN Ambro. haha! It's worth the effort and energy k? It makes a gd record in ur employment history. All e best! & Thanks for ur time & patience with me. In these 10 over yrs frenship with u, yr 2006 & 2007 would be the most significant yeats for our frenship. Thanks!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Days left...
11:22 PM

Left with approx 6 days of holidays before a tough fight ans struggles I will face. Am I ready for it? ha! Suddenly my attachment is a matter of weeks to 2 months away. Time passes too fast for me to realise that everything has changed. Hmm.. Started with my report. I guess my Auntie has enlightened me quite a lot. Haha! & when I ask her if its ok if I put her s my financial reference she said sure I give u my name card. & when I saw her name card, I almst faint. Finally, I n my parents understood y she still left her former bank for HSBS regardless of a higher post & higher salary. I guess no matter how high they can give her wouldn't be as gd as what HSBC has offered her. Omg. She is really my idol! Oh btw, she is 4 mths pregnant. Hopefully its a boy now then she would have a chi character 'hao' cuz she has a 5 yrs old gal n if now a boy its a gd signin chinese. Just like my mum. Fortunate! haha..

Went for Dim Sum on sun morning as father's day celebration and then brought nicky to meet them. He definately had a great time. haha!

A special place in my heart. Refining its overall climax of the song. In it, I recalled many scene. & when I get too emotional, I'll switch to learn The Fountain. A very long and difficult piece but its worth it! It's very nice! And yes, with this piece, my teacher is teaching me to be ready fr grade 5's standard,

Friday, June 15, 2007
A treat to myself
1:07 PM

Went Vivo City on wed with Kaijun. Wahaha! First time there. It was big. Many branded outlets there. Haha! I think going there doesn't worry u if u can't buy anything for urself but worry if u have enough $ to spend! Ahaha. Anyway, in I didnt get anything for myself though. Maybe bcuz I bought alot at The central with mum for clothings already so only had in mind was a pair of footware and a new sch bag. haha! At the end of the day, I only manage to buy a pair of footware for mum & a top for father's day. Last but not least, a Guess wallet for Kaijun's 21st birthday. Pink colour...Oh no! haha. She too bought me something. A bag..heez..Nice! Brown! ok, I miss the bag! It's with her now & her wallet is with me now. Weird huh? aha!

Hummp... Don't know y I feel so tired even during my holidays. In fact, more tired during my holidays. Seems like I have numerous work waiting for me to do & deal with. There is ECD test coming up to. haha! I haven been many of e lectures in fact so not very sure I know what is going on. Haha!

My wishes for this year would be gd health, happy family & gd results. Haha!

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Shopping Spree
9:45 PM

Hey!!! Just came back from the Central, the new shopping center. Shopping spree with mum, dad & nicky. Omg! I & my mum spent lots of $$$. So on the way back she was saying...hummp...we have to drink water & eat bread for the rest of the few weeks. Haha! Anyway, I bought mum a new handbag for her birthday & she bought me a watch as my gift. Haha! Big diff in the cost of both gifts..heez!!! Hmm..She bought a few semi-office wear for me for my coming attachment too. heez! Ok, then we bought lots n lots of clothes. Of cuz, we went to my fav gio too. Haha! We bought perfumes too. & I bought something for Nicole. Haha!

Gonna meet Kaijun on wed to go Vivo for her shopping spree right after her last paper. haha... FINALLY! I'm going Vivo! I haven been there man! ahah!!!

Ok!! Tml after I reformat my com, I mus start working for my IEF & FMS report! Ahahah...

Friday, June 08, 2007
Common test has ended finally
9:51 PM

Had my last paper-fms today. Hmm.. Though I feel a gush of relieve as the stressful moments are over for the time being but then Im afraid of my IEF & AAA results. I hope I don't fail. I got too nervous during the paper,esp AAA. I think I black out for a few sec with cold sweats. aha! Too nervous. Anyway, now that common tests are over, I have to start my motor to complete IEF & FMS reports. However, before anything I would have to reformat my com on mon. I couldn't get online except eblog. Weird. It freezes my windows while surfing the net. Can't stand the lag. Get it over n done with for once. REFORMAT!

So I had to transfer some files to my tumdrive & mp3 hard disk before the reformatting. The last file I went was My Pictures. In fact, I gave up a lot of pics to have more space for my brother's pic & then suprisingly, I transfered pics of some tt I once doesn't want it anymore. Haha. I came across pics took on my 17th birthday too. ha. It's nearing again, but what matters isn't with me anymore.

I wanna watch Pirates. I wanna go Kbox. I wanna go for gd food. I wanna shopping. I wanna pedicure. I want to slp!

Kaijun, u finish ur paper next wed? When can we meet? I only have 2 weeks of holidays. Heez. Let's go kill the chickens!!! Haha!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007
What a day!
1:21 PM

Ring Ring Ring.. "Darling, don't be nervous, have confidence in urself". I jumped off my bed after receiving my mum's msg & realised that the sun has risen. God! I'm late for my exam! It's 8am already & my paper starts at 8.30am. I don't recall snoozing my hp so it means my alarm didnt ring at all. So I brushed my teeth & rushed down for a cab. Tears started flowing when I saw the long long line of ppl at e taxi stand. Called Daddy he said he would come to pick me up after calling back office but then I tried calling for a cab & ok. His record was blk 653, not 672 so he was few blocks away from where I was waiting for him. So I got more panick then on the cab my mum & dad tried comforting me. Worst, both mum n dad asked me to take mc instead but then I want an A. I must go for my paper. So no matter what, I must go for my paper.

I met Ms Wong at the left lobby with a soyamilk. Ha! She gave me tt cute expression & my usual self came out..."Ms wong, Im late for my paper + tears.." Emotional me. I cried infront of her. Fortunately, she n another lecturer consoled me & told me Im still early to be locked out. Another thing I guess God blessed me... Mr Terrence Tan was jus at e door, he allowed me in & asked me to relax. I apologise & apologise. He was very encouraging..If it wasnt him, I guess I would make a mess of my paper though. Being too nervous. haha. Guess what? I feel tt the paper was relatively easy. I guess I didn't break my promise to Mr Terrence to get an A for fmgt. Lastly, I left him a note of apologise to him & thank him for giving me a chance at the end of the last pg of my ans.

Till now, Im still shivering over what happened this morning. Still, Got to get ready the stressful module-IEF. Ms wong was kind to me this morning, I must not fail IEF.

Kaijun, thanks for hearing me out & supporting me morally.We'll catch up next week alright? Meanwhile, all e best in ur exams too!
