underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007
12:36 AM

Attachment starts this mon. Feeling so nervous. haha! To me, its something very scary cuz its like not some small company, its something so international. Of cuz I know we are cheap labour but Im there to learn & I belief it will be a wonderful time with them. haha! Cuz Im proud as a singaporean... eee...mushy...haha! But again, right after exams...I have not even got over the exam fever. Im so scared n nervous of everything still..

It's mum's birthday today...ya...pass midnight already... & soon would be Doreen's birthday! So many birthdays coming up... hahah! Anyway, I hope she will be happy tml & I hope I could get to buy 2 pants for my attachment. I have not bought it yet! Can we wear skirt instead? eee...Pants are so hard to iron!

Drank a new brand of coffee bought by my parents & there was side effects on me.My heart pounded twice hard. I felt so nervous and sweating even when sitted down. I wasn't feeling well.. Didnt thought it was the coffee until I rmb my fren's mum has such symptoms too. No wonder I was like rushing through all my pieces during my piano lesson. Making a mess of it. haha!

Nicole, Jeron & Jae, take care! All the best in ur attachment!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
It started off well...
6:49 PM

Examination started relatievly easy for AAA & FMGT but I lost the battle for IEF. In fact, when I saw the questions, my heart sanked & the only person in my vision was my auntie. She told me lots abt Taiwan, but I didn't have the time to fill in. Haiz! Don't feel like talking more about it. Maybe I will really have to join Daniel's group to repeat IEF in year 3.

Falling sick soon. My stubborn step grandfather passed the germs & virus to my brother who now has lost his voice and Im starting to feel the effects too. My heart is spinning. Im having a sore throat. Maybe it is gd cuz exam are gonna end soon & suppose I could rest but Im having attachment on mon. Rest? Wait long. I feel so angry him for being such irresponsible for not quarantine himself when he is sick. Yet again, I have to blame myself but being so weak. My immune is always low during exam period due to tiredness & stress. Haiz...

Called auntie immedately after the paper. She motivated me. Adviced me not to study for fms for today. Start tml. Haiz... She even say any problems, go to her. I feel so bad. She is helping me so much yet I cant excel. haiz...

Saturday, August 18, 2007
More to come...
12:03 PM

Ytd's accounts paper was quite easy. Think will do well for this paper but then overall might only get B+ cuz my common test wasn't very well done. haha! Hmm... More to come. Not yet complete fmgt & IEF. Have not started memorising FMS but understood allt he calculations part already. Know how to do already! With whose help? No one other than my fav auntie!!! haha! She spent her whole afternoon with me to explain IEF & abit of fms. OMG! Feel abit bad to cause a pregnant woman lose her nap time to teach me.. haha. but she say its alright. She has been slping the whole week. She is glad to help me. heez.

Going for a piano recital in dec. Anyone wants to come support me? hmm... Not classic... Its new age classic. More like romantic love song. Im playing The Lost Love.

Last but not least. Before u insult someone, have u thought about urself? Are u better? Jesus loves u for u are his son but if u are not even trying to work towards the word of god, won't u feel guility? Think about it.

A christ believer have to keep trying to see, speak, listen, touch, feel and walk in the road to god.

Monday, August 13, 2007
Exams are drawing near...
11:38 PM

Exams starts this fri with accounts being the first paper. Hmm.. Looking forward to it. Though I can't perfect my Accounts skills but Im liking accounts more n more. Same for FMGT. Whenever I study fmgt, Mr Mark Tan Terrence will be flashed into my memory. His funny jokes made his lesson more productive cuz theories were computerised into my memory in a special n jovious way. haha! Anyway, I have not started fms! haha.. Cuz I was thinking there is a 2.5 days break after IEF. So I guess I will start my memorising work with those two days cuz anyway, I might forget it now. haha! Gonna hope I can complete all my readings for IEF before wed so that I could clarify all my doubts with Auntie. Omg! She's my private consultant FOC when she is so exp to be hired by others. haha! Im so honoured! Ok, so I got to do my best so as not to let her down! She's always my role model n motivation.

As expected u got hold of my ans... Something I have forseen yet went with cuz there were lots more that I would treasure and care. I guess there's only one thing Im concerned abt... Don't blame me for anything.

I hate people taking other people's thing without asking the owner's permission. Though it was in the hands of others but that doesn't mean u wouldn't need to ask if the owner is ok with it. This goes for the one in my class. I would never forget how u fight back by giving such brainless remark.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
12:05 AM

Went Kbox with my mum & kaijun today. Then went to accompany Kaijun to watch Jay's Secret. Hmm. I must admit he is gd pianist. This is something I must agree even if Im not his fan. This story line is quite impressive. Not very typical type but most import is the typical happy ending & I guess everyone in the cinema was happy with the ending. Hmm. Music is so important in lives. It makes a great impact in all ways.

Back to my own piano. How much I love my piano? How much talents I have? How much time do I have to pursue on my piano music dream? No matter where u are, I will always find u. No matter how hard finding my opportunities would be, I would persist on to attain my dream and happiness. I only find my true self on the piano.

Feeling guility for not studying much these few days. I have to switched to my most powerful engine to complete all my study on time before the exams.. haha!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007
First time in Cinema for Nick.
11:12 PM

Yesterday was family outing. Where did we went? Yeah, we went to watch Harry Potter 5. Haha. It was the first time nicholas went to the cinema in his 3 years life. haha! It was cool. Everything seemed so special to be watching a movie with ur parents & a baby brother. Seriously, my parents and brother enjoyed it alot. They were very attentive and influence by the show. haha! My brother didnt even make a single noise. Love him so much! My mum said we could come for movies in the future cuz nick likes the environment. In fact, we knows it shldnt be a prob cuz he watches tv the whole day at home too. However, its dark. He might be afraid but surprisingly, no! haha... It was a enjoyable day but I didnt study the whole day cuz I had a bad headache after reaching home. So went to bed very early.

Hmm.. Trying to get u. U seemed missing in action? Are we meeting to study n so on on wed? hmmm.. get back to me alright? Thanks so much!

Friday, August 03, 2007
My baby is back!
12:18 PM

I just came back from Acer to collect my laptop. The very minute when I saw my laptop, my heart felt as though it was flying out. I'm very glad that my laptop is in its gd condition again. I guess it fell sick previously. haha! Anyway, its great to see it again on my table. heez!

Today, Jeron & Jae got to present their IEF report to Koh. I hope they have done well & could pass this 30%. Hmm..no news from them yet, think shld be fine ba.

Ytd was my laz day of sch. Supposed to be very happy cuz 6 torturing french lesson has ended too. But then I somehow dont feel the happiness. I was rather down and sad. I went westmall after leaving sch at abt 7.30pm. So I hang ard till abt 8pm before I decided to just go home and face all the nags. But........... They weren't at home. So I hurried through my dinner which is only vegetables, bathe, packed my table & went directly to bed. I slept at 10pm! I cant imagine for myself too. I actually had the chance to slp for such long hrs after weeks of slpless nights. Just hope my moody times will disappear soon.

Ok, Exams are coming I got to study hard & leave the rest to god.

I'm still uncertain abt the kind of life I really want. The kind of happiness Im pursuing for. Am I in the right path that you have decided me to follow? Show me the way.
