Thursday, July 30, 2009
10:45 PM
I was talking to someone on the phone yesterday and he commented that my blog is growing spider webs soon and said he do CHECK whenever he book out. Ya right, check on me. The very last thing you would really wanna do I guess.Last night I received the worst news ever. Dear has guard duty so couldnt book out till sun 8.30am and is expected to book in on the same day night. To add on to why I'm sad isn't just because we can't meet but then we couldn't contact at all for the next whole week too as he is gonna have his field camp. Also, I thought he could go to Auntie's hse and take alook at that 4 level high house and sweet talk to me about the future we could have. In just split seconds, everything is gone. haha! Ok, I cried when I heard that but I guess I was still controlled than many other times. Well... I really didn't mean to worry him but I just couldn't control my tears and I thought I could bluff my way through but I guess he knowing my nature, he was mentally ready to hear my sniffing. haha! What to do? Whatever it is, I have to accept and learn to live my life the best no doubt he can't be by my side at the moment.Of course I miss him and in fact I miss him to core right now and in fact I really can't move on very fast and far without him assuring me in my abilities cuz those Economics graphs are really killing my confidence. I shouldn't have took bridging course for econs since maths is the only compulsory and essential for my further units exemption. hai.Nevertheless, the fact that he is working hard in his physical trainings, endurance during guard duty and hardship, obstacles and tiredness in his field camp, I will work hard on my side too. I will try my very best to stay focus and put in even more effort and strength to study even though I am tired. No more naps! Last year, we were watching National Day Parade at our own house and text-ing one another about the fire works and then you asked me out to watch the Fireworks festival with you. Will we get to watch NDP together again? And I mean sitting side by side. I know is a sun and I know it might not be possible. Maybe it will just be an empty hope.At this pt in time, my tears are flowing though I'm trying to control...
Monday, July 27, 2009
1:24 PM
It's a monday and I'm dealing with pain and tiredness. I guess I would not be starting my revision today but tml. Today will rest and prepare for tuition later. To be back to my ordinary type of life I lead in the past that do consist of slow and quite pace but now I don't feel comfortable and used to it. Well... Just have to learn and get used to it.
It's a good bye to this badge which I have took a week ago. I guess I wouldn't be returning soon. Though HR welcomes to me alert them once I'm available right after bridging course, but I really don't know. I'm really considering hard on this if I should really continue this or to give more tuition and then after completing my degree then go back. Well... Haiz.On 18 July 2009, I had my piano recital at YMS. Personally, I felt that it was a failure cuz I felt its not of my best standard. Maybe I was very tired by then from sch and work. Rushing here and there. Nevertheless, I appreciate dear liling's presence and her purple roses, dear for coming right after book out, my family who were tired and last but most import mdm yam who turned up with her hubby like 2 yrs ago :)

After recital, we went to have taiwan porridge at the fav place at a small hotel with parents. Nice! Esp when I was having gastric...It was very fufilling and comfy to my stomach. haha.

A "date" we went after so long of appts we had to attend with family. Went for church at 6pm and reached tamp ard 8pm. Walked around tamp in fact should be squeezing around tamp while waiting for him when he was having scouts meeting. Thought I had the mood to shop but apparently no, I didn't buy anything but just a bottle of honey aloe vera to drink. haha!
We went downtown eat for subway salad!!! haha! In fact I was debating if I should eat subway salad or sushi teh's sashimi salad while waiting for him cuz I was having a bad gastric pain but before I could decide, he said his mtg is over. I was glad that he proposed to eat subway too! haha! Then we went ehub for harry potter. Though many ppl told us its a disappointment but we just wanna go for a movie and enjoy the atmosphere. haha! After that, we wanted to go pasir ris park but both of us were damn tired as it was 1.30am! So head home and rest! haha.
Sun... Relative came only after my shower. Lucky I realised it fast if not if I stain my clothes in his hse, wonder how... No other clothes to change to. Well.. Struggled to cope with the pain but well glad to have him ard ytd but today the pain is still very bad but he is not ard!!!
Hmm...This sat going to uncle's place for hse warming! the Four level high new hse and dear would be going. I believe he would like the hse too. Hope to take pictures together like crazy in that hse that seemed to be a dream "just a dream" hse. Something that would never happen to me cuz I doubt I would even be as capable as them.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
12:16 AM
After almost a month...
I have loads to updates on my blog. First my birthday, next his birthday and then my piano performance and last but not least ytd was my last day (saying bye once again to dear ppl whom I once said in feb 09) but will only do that maybe when i'm really free. So yeah...
Anyway, did a short quiz;
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
Quite true though I guess...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
6:41 AM
This entry should be a back dated entry actually. I was rather tight up between work, lessons and own commitments. Nevertheless, things will get better next week why cuz? hai. Cuz Im gonna be unemployed haha jk. Memories of 6 July 2009
Both of us celebrating our birthday on 4 July 2009.
We bought the small little cake at 12 midnight and suprisingly the bakery downstairs is still open at that hour!

Went Sakura at downtown to eat with all scout boys. Not too bad but didn't eat much. Felt very bloated. See the handsome boy! A collection of my birthday gifts! Few in qty but rich is quality.

N86 PROUD presented by my mum to me! 8 mega pixels! These pics were taken by it. haha! Of cuz thanks to dear liling who came down from home to acc me to buy my phone at amk hub and then send me off to work haha! 
Carlo Rino wallet from dear's god sis. She came all the way down to my office to pass it to me. Very thoughtful...
These two came as a suprise to me. Dear pre ordered (with the help of his god sis) to have the bear together with the box if flowers to my office. Was shocked when security office called my desk phone though... I like the arrangement of the roses cuz it was like wrapped in the typical way but in a heart shape box! I'm keeping the box man!

A pair of Mintmark ear ring from dear liling. She came all the way down to my hse to pass it to me with her lovely hubby.haha! Similar designs as those she bought for me for last yr. I think all my 3 pairs of ear rings from Mintmark her! haha!
Gucci Envy Me perfume from my dearest colleagues!! Of cuz I know who was the mastermind! My shifu! She knew I wanted to buy this perfume for a long time but haven had the chance to do so and so they got it for me and the biggest size. haha!
Next, dear's 21st birthday 14 July 2009;
Pictures took by some uncle's camera that beame like that haha.
While we were taking photos and all, his family and relatives were exclaiming that it seems like a wedding. haha!
Suprisingly his dad was also laughing away. I guess if in the past, he would be quite stern abt it ba.
* one import thing, both side's parents are positive with one another :)
I got him a sony mp3 player that is damn cool in the design and mum got him a swiss watch!